Effective Weight Management

A comprehensive dietary and lifestyle review and modification by our team of professionals that will set you on the road to getting rid of unwanted or excessive fat deposits in your bodies in a safe and effective manner.

Skin Firming for the Body and Limbs

Patients who have lost weight recently or have undergone liposuction may experience loose, wrinkled or dimpled skin around their bodies or limbs.  The application of radiofrequency or infrared energy to the affected skin removes damaged collagen fibers and enables new collagen fibers to grow subsequently.  What results is a tighter body and limb contour as well as healthier skin that appears firm and taut.

Post-Pregnancy Body Rejuvenation for Mothers

Flabby thighs, loose tummy skin and unsightly stretch marks are common problems affecting women after childbirth.  Non-ablative LASERs are available to rejuvenate and tone loose tummy skin as well as to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.  Radiofrequency and infrared energy can be used to contour and tighten tummy skin and love handles as well as flabby arms and thighs.  Cellulite appearances can be reduced through skin LASERs and radiofrequency energy.
